
2025年 3月17日(週一)6-7 PM PDT 暑期赴臺華語教學研習團說明會

想瞭解更多? 歡迎加入說明會,讓我們一起探討如何提昇華語教學,拓展國際視野!

2025 年 3 月 14 日(週五)5 PM – 6 PM(PDT)線上講座–探索中文雙語沉浸(DLI)項目的新機會!

本次講座由南加州中文教師學會 (CLTA-SC) 主辦,我們榮幸邀請到來自舊金山灣區 Hayward Unified School District 的 DLI 專家 Ms. Tianni Guo (郭恬妮老師),她的工作是支持學區的中小學中文項目。郭老師將分享有效的策略,幫助您在社區內外推廣中文教育及爭取資源。郭老師自2016年以來專注於中文沉浸式課程的教學和項目推廣。她所做的傑出工作幫助她獲得了2023年ATDLE“年度教師”獎,並受邀在多個全國或國際性會議上演講。同時,她也擔任ACTFL、教育部等專業組織的專家顧問。

📢 本次講座特別適合:
✅ 希望提升課程推廣及資源爭取能力的教育工作者

這次的講座將幫助您在學校和社區中更有信心地推動 DLI 項目,獲得更多支持。快來報名參加,與我們一起探索中文雙語沉浸項目的新機會!

🔗 報名連結 🔗: (Scan QR Code to Signup)

Exploring Chinatown: A Cultural and Linguistic Journey through Los Angeles ‘Historic Heart

On March 8th, 2025, CLTA-SC organized a cultural tour of Chinatown for over 30 teachers. The journey began at Union Station, where three guides greeted the group and shared fascinating historical insights about the station’s significance. Teachers learned about Union Station’s past as a symbol of power and influence for the Chinese community in Los Angeles.

The tour led the group into Chinatown, where they experienced its vibrant culture, including stunning designs by a Chinese-American architect and iconic imagery of Bruce Lee. The teachers also had the chance to visit a pet festival, offering a fun and unique cultural experience.

After a hearty lunch, the teachers explored local landmarks and visited the famous Phoenix Bakery, creating sweet memories of the day. This event marked the beginning of a series of projects aimed at enhancing the professional growth of CLTA-SC members, intending to prepare them to lead future student tours. This inspiring journey took place on International Women’s Day, reminding everyone of the power of community and education.

Thriving in Private School Education

We would like to sincerely thank our two guests, Fei Li from Marlborough School and Joseph Vincent from Webb School, for their insightful sharing during this 2025/02/24 webinar, which filled the event with wisdom and inspiration! We also appreciate the enthusiastic participation of over fifty attendees, whose support made this online seminar a great success!✨

In this session, both speakers generously shared their successful experiences of teaching Chinese at some of the top private schools in the United States. They introduced the unique features of their schools, the goals of their Chinese courses, and discussed strategies for effectively integrating language and culture into their teaching methods. Notably, the speakers provided many practical and heartfelt suggestions on the challenges faced during the job application process, benefiting those looking to teach in private schools.

The speakers also shared the difficulties and challenges they encountered when facing the expectations of students and parents. Furthermore, this webinar attracted over fifty enthusiastic teachers, all of whom were engaged and eager to deepen the richness of our exchanges!

Once again, we thank all participants for their warm support! We look forward to more such exchanges and collaborations in the future, working together to promote the development of Chinese education!


我們衷心感謝兩位嘉賓,來自Marlborough School的Fei Li(李菲老師)和來自Webb School的Joseph Vincent(書林老師),感謝他們在此次 2025/02/24 講座中的深入分享,讓活動充滿智慧與啟發!同時,也要感謝五十幾位熱情的參與者,您的支持使這次線上講座更加成功!




On February 22, 2025, VIRTUAL Teacher-Made: A Hands-On Workshop for Educators

This VIRTUAL workshop is designed to introduce K-12 educators across all subject areas to the Chinese Garden (“Liu Fang Yuan”). It was created by teachers, for teachers. Participants will learn ways to incorporate these unique cultural assets into their curriculum, enriching student engagement and promoting cultural literacy across subjects like history, literature, art, science, and language. This experience will include contact hours and offer a full curriculum package centered on the cultural and educational potential of Chinese gardens.

This workshop is presented in collaboration with The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, with sponsorship from the Polytechnic School, Harvard-Westlake School, and the USC U.S.-China Institute. Special thanks to the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Southern California (CLTA-SC) for their support in promoting this event to the community. Offered in partnership with the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia and with support from the Freeman Foundation, this workshop is designed to enhance teaching about Asia.

Exploring the Chinese Garden as a Teaching Tool: USC U.S.-China Institute’s K-12 Workshop at The Huntington

On Sunday, February 9, 2025, the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Southern California (CLTA-SC) partnered with the USC U.S.-China Institute, the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia, and with support from the Freeman Foundation to offer a productive professional development workshop for local educators, focusing on incorporating Chinese garden culture into K-12 education.

We would like to extend our special thanks to the Chinese language team from our member school, Polytechnic School, for their collective support and assistance in making this event a success. Their involvement played a key role in providing valuable teaching resources and sharing experiences with local Chinese language educators.

The workshop was led by Kristin Brisbois and the main speakers at the event included He Bin, a Chinese Language and Interdisciplinary Studies and Independent Research (ISIR) educator at Harvard-Westlake School, President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Southern California, and Lois Chung, the founder of the Upper School Mandarin Program at Polytechnic School. They delivered insightful presentations on Chinese garden culture and teaching strategies, offering inspiration and valuable educational insights to the attending teachers.

This collaboration underscores the Chinese Langauge Teachers’ Association of Southern California’s commitment to working with local schools and communities to enhance the quality and impact of Chinese language education.

🔗 Read more about the story here! 

2025 Spring Innovative Pedagogy Conference

During the Spring Festival, CLTA-SC wishes everyone a prosperous Year of the Snake, may everything be satisfactory and smooth. May you have gained in the Year of the Snake!


Honoring Outstanding Contributors of CLTA-SC

As we embrace a new year, the CLTA-SC Board wishes to extend our deepest gratitude to three outstanding individuals whose remarkable dedication and contributions have significantly shaped our organization’s success.

We begin by honoring Wen Laoshi (Jeff Winters) for his extraordinary 20 years of service as a board member. His steadfast commitment has been pivotal to the success of our annual Fall Workshops and the seamless execution of events at Cal State Long Beach. Wen Laoshi’s leadership in maintaining our website has been a cornerstone of our daily operations and growth. As she transitions into retirement, we celebrate his legacy and wish his health and happiness in the years to come.

Next, we express heartfelt thanks to Zheng Laoshi (Chen-Hsu Cheng) for two impactful years as a board member and leader of the Educational Technology group. Her expertise has empowered members through invaluable training, elevating their technological proficiency. Zheng Laoshi’s meticulous website management and dedicated oversight of election processes reflect her professionalism and care. Her enthusiasm and responsibility have been a source of inspiration.

Finally, we recognize Liu Laoshi (Yi-Hsien Liu) for her exceptional leadership during her two-year term as President. Under her guidance and leadership, membership grew to 220, bringing new vitality and fostering opportunities for collaboration. Liu Laoshi’s vision and unwavering dedication have laid a strong foundation for the future of CLTA-SC.

To Wen Laoshi, Zheng Laoshi, and Liu Laoshi, thank you for your outstanding contributions. Your efforts have made CLTA-SC a thriving community. We wish you continued success, health, and happiness in your future endeavors.

2024 CLTA-SC Spring Pedagogy Workshop: April 27, 2024

Workshop date: 9-2:40 pm, Apr 27, 2024

Location: THH102 room at the University of Southern California (Click here to see USC parking, dining info, and campus map)

Workshop topic: Social-Emotional Framework, Issues, and Projects in Chinese Language Curriculum Design

Keynote speaker: Ms. Ying Jin 金璎老师

Keynote speech: Nurturing Hearts and Minds: Implementing SEL Principles in Chinese Language Classroom

Workshop program:

Workshop flyer:

Registration fee:

  • CLTA-SC member $10 
  • Non-member $40 ( Non-members will receive a one-year CLTA-SC membership upon registering for the Spring Workshop.)
  • Current full-time student: FREE registration + receive one-year free membership (normally $15/year)

Registration link:

* Light refreshments will be served in the morning and afternoon.

2024 CLTA-SC Spring Pedagogy Workshop: April 27, 2024

CLTA-SC is now accepting proposals for its 2024 Spring Pedagogy Workshop to be held from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, Apr 27, 2024 at the University of Southern California. The theme of this workshop is “Social Emotional Framework, Issues, and Projects in Chinese Language Curriculum Design – 中文语言课程设计中社会情感框架及活动设计初探.”

The Spring Workshop Organizing Committee invites submission of proposals for 20-minute individual/panel presentations in the following areas of Chinese language instruction:
∙ Social emotional framework focused curriculum design
∙ Teaching methodologies and strategies
∙ Innovative approaches to instruction and assessment
∙ Troubleshooting for students’ various learning needs
∙ Age-appropriate instructional and cultural activities
∙ Teaching material development


  1. Announcement of the Workshop registration: Monday, April 1, 2024
  2. Proposal submission deadline: Sunday, March 10, 2024
  3. Notification of proposal status: Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  4. Pedagogy Workshop date: Saturday, April 27, 2024


  1. Submit your proposal by the 3/10/2024 deadline
    Submission link for the 20-minute individual/panel presentation proposal :
  2. The proposal can be written in either Chinese or English. It should be no more than 350 words in English, or 500 characters in Chinese.
  3. Each proposal will be anonymously reviewed and evaluated on the basis of overall quality, originality, and relevance to the field.
  4. Only one abstract from each person will be considered. Multiple submissions will not be accepted.
  5. Presenters must have current CLTA-SC member status. Visit CLTA-SC‘s membership webpage for membership application or login there to check your membership status. For membership inquiries, please contact Jeff Winters at

2023 Fall Workshop: October 21, 2023

CLTA-SC is pleased to announce our 2023 Fall Workshop from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, October 21, 2023 (PST) at California State University Long Beach. Please see the workshop information here; scan the QR code or click here to Register.

Workshop Schedule:

12:30-1:00 pm: Check-in
1:00-1:10 pm: Opening
1:10- 2:50 pm: SIG Presentations –

Immersion Program,
Language for specific purposes
Hanzi instruction
Educational Technology
2:50-3:10 pm: Break
3:10-4:30 pm: SIG Roundtable Discussion

  • Immersion Program (Joyce Chu, Pacific Academy)
  • Educational Technology (ChenHsu Zheng, El Camino High)
  • Hanzi instruction (Eugenia Wu, Pasadena City College)
  • Language for Specific Purpose (Angela Liao, USC)

4:30-4:35 Survey, Certificate & Farewell

2023 Spring Pedagogy Workshop

CLTA-SC is pleased to announce our 2023 online Spring Pedagogy Workshop: 中文教学新常态的挑战 Meet the challenges of the new normal in Chinese education from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, Saturday, April 29, 2023 (PST). The keynote speech will be given by Matt Coss 高正远老师/高正遠老師. Please see the workshop information here, submit the registration form, and use the Zoom link to attend the workshop.

2022 Fall Pedagogy Workshop

The Fall Technology Workshop will be held online from 10:00 am to
2:00 pm on Saturday, October 29, 2022. The workshop’s theme is “Technology-assisted
language learning- student engagement and assessment.”

2022 Spring Pedagogy Workshop

CLTA-SC 2022 Spring Pedagogy Workshop will be held online from 9:30 am to 2:10 pm on Saturday, April 23, 2022. The theme of this year’s workshop is “Task-Based Language Teaching“.

2022 High School Chinese Song Singing Contest (2022 CLTA-SC 第三屆高中中文歌唱比賽)

親愛的CLTA-SC會員老師們,大家好!第三屆南加高中中文歌唱比賽即將登場,請各位老師鼓勵熱愛中文、熱愛音樂的中文班同學踴躍參加。因為疫情的關係,本會的第三屆高中學生中文歌曲歌唱比賽改為參賽者上傳歌唱影片, 且評審老師將在線上評分。CLTA-SC 第三屆高中學生中文歌曲歌唱比賽的比賽形式和獎勵辦法請參閱即將公佈的海報。歌唱比賽報名的截止日期為 2021年11月30日。報名通過審核之後,請於12/01/2021-1/31/2022 期間繳交參賽影片的 YouTube 鏈接和MP4檔案。由於比赛的名額有限,請您們的學生欲報從速。

2021 Fall Technology Workshop

Theme: “Applying Multiple Effective Ways to Embrace Technology-Based Learning Approaches”

Nation CLTA Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence

The Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA) is a professional organization that aims to promote the learning and understanding of Chinese language and culture in the United States and beyond. At the CLTA, we are saddened and deeply concerned over the recently reported violent incidents against members of Asian American communities in the United States. These events are tragic and horrific, and they remind us of the struggles for equity and justice that Asian American communities, including many Chinese Americans, have endured throughout U.S. history. As teachers of Chinese language and culture, we also recognize our tremendous responsibilities to connect communities and groups, facilitate multilingualism and multiculturalism, and cultivate an appreciation for diversity.

New Job Postings

Check out new job postings for Chinese teachers at