
2023 Fall Workshop: October 21, 2023

CLTA-SC is pleased to announce our 2023 Fall Workshop from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Saturday, October 21, 2023 (PST) at California State University Long Beach. Please see the workshop information here; scan the QR code or click here to Register.

Workshop Schedule:

12:30-1:00 pm: Check-in
1:00-1:10 pm: Opening
1:10- 2:50 pm: SIG Presentations – Immersion Program,
Language for specific purposes
Hanzi instruction
Educational Technology
2:50-3:10 pm: Break
3:10-4:30 pm: SIG Roundtable Discussion

  • Immersion Program (Joyce Chu, Pacific Academy)
  • Educational Technology (ChenHsu Zheng, El Camino High)
  • Hanzi instruction (Eugenia Wu, Pasadena City College)
  • Language for Specific Purpose (Angela Liao, USC)

4:30-4:35 Survey, Certificate & Farewell

2023 Spring Pedagogy Workshop

CLTA-SC is pleased to announce our 2023 online Spring Pedagogy Workshop: 中文教学新常态的挑战 Meet the challenges of the new normal in Chinese education from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm, Saturday, April 29, 2023 (PST). The keynote speech will be given by Matt Coss 高正远老师/高正遠老師. Please see the workshop information here, submit the registration form, and use the Zoom link to attend the workshop.

Workshop Schedule

9:30-10:45 am: E-Writing, Typing, Writing, Copying, and Hand-writing: Towards Conceptual and Pedagogical Clarity for L2 Teachers and Learners in the 21st Century

10:50-11:20 am: Roundtable discussion 各级学校中⽂课招⽣现况与挑战 -Joyce Chu (⼩学), Bin He (⾼中), Jessica Chen (⼤学)

11:20-11:30 am: Introduction to SIG

11:35-11:50 am: Real Asia presentation -Real Asia Advertising

11:50 am -12:00 pm: Break

12:00-12:25 pm: 跨越学习的鸿沟–篇章能⼒发展之铺垫 (从初级到中级) -Yu-Chi Kuo

12:25-12:50 pm: Using Improv Games to Improve Engagement in High School Chinese Classrooms -Fei Li

12:50-1:15 pm: Students’ Pleasant Learning Experience and Pedagogy Adjustment -Shiangyun Wu

1:15-1:40 pm:  My New Teaching Assistant: ChatGPT -Joanne Chen

1:40-2:20 pm: The Future of Hand-Writing Characters in Learning Chinese: Results from a 2023 Survey -Ruohmei Hsieh & Cathy Wei

2:20-2:30 pm: Closing & Survey

2022 Fall Technology Workshop

The Fall Technology Workshop will be held online from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, October 29, 2022. The workshop’s theme is “Technology-assisted language learning- student engagement and assessment.” The presentations will be:

Impact of Students’ Use of Technology on Student Engagement and Assessment – Song Dan

如何利用Class Dojo 带动学生参与 – Yuxin Carcamo

Interactive Agenda & Progress Report – Jasmine Cheng

Using Memrise to Reinforce Vocabulary for Foreign Language Instruction – Nathan Depuy

虛實整合的多元化評量 Multiple Assessment with EDtech Integration – Joyce Chu

2022 Spring Pedagogy Workshop

CLTA-SC 2022 Spring Pedagogy Workshop will be held ONLINE from 9:30 am to 2:10 pm on Saturday, April 23, 2022. The theme of this year’s workshop is “Task-Based Language Teaching.”  Please visit for registration and mark your calendar to join us for the workshop.

9:30 – 9:35 am: Welcome                                                                

9:35 – 10:35 am: Keynote Speaker Presentation

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Tseng, Miao-fen 曾妙芬 老师 Topic:  TBLT (Task-based language teaching) online: design, implementation, and samples 任务型教学于线上课程中之设计及应用

10:40 – 11:30 am Session One: Presentations

Presentation 1: Interactive Teaching with E-Test 互動式教學搭配電子測驗  – Shiang Yun Wu

Presentation 2: Challenging Presentational Communication 挑战语言表达交流 – Ying Petersen           

11:30 am – 11:45 pm  云健身/break – Yuxin Carcamo                                       

11:45 am – 12:55 pm Session Two: Presentations                                                  

Presentation 1: Best Practices for an Equal and Inclusive Chinese Language Class 塑造一個平等多元的中文課堂 – Ruohmei Hsieh                   

Presentation 2: Apply ACTFL Three Modes of Communication Tasks to Develop Chinese Literacy Skills 利用ACTFL三种沟通模式任务培养中文读写能力 – Cathy Wang  

Presentation 3: The Application of the film for intermediates level heritage course: A BOPPPS learning Model 华语電影在中级水平华裔班教学上的应用:以BOPPPS教学模式的设计为例 – Shu Chuan Chen

1:00 – 2:00 pm Session Three: SWAP SHOP                                  

Presentation 1: Make the “boring” materials fun again: what task-based learning can do for us 無聊的課文不等於無聊的課: 任務型教學的設計優勢 – Yi-Hsien Liu

Presentation 2: Reading activities that engage the whole class 讓學生動起來的閱讀教學活動 – Cheri Luo     

Presentation 3: Textbook development activities 教材拓展活动 – Jiabei Li

Presentation 4: Padlet与课堂互动 – Xiang Jian

Presentation 5: How to improve students’ social-emotional well-being? 如何帮助学生改善社会情感?- Yuxin Carcamo

2:00 – 2:10 pm: Conclusion                                                               

Past Workshops